Biden renews call for gun control laws after attack on Trump

2 months ago 45

After the shooting, the Biden campaign had been put on hold for a few days. Television commercials had been dropped, verbal attacks had stopped, and some well-known Democrats had promoted togetherness read more

Biden renews call for gun control laws after attack on Trump

The most major gun safety legislation in over 20 years was signed into law by President Biden in 2022 during his first term in office Image Courtesy Reuters

Joe Biden has reiterated his demand that assault rifles—including the one used in the botched attempt to kill Donald Trump—be banned by Congress.

During a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, a gunman fired shots at Trump from a nearby rooftop, grazing his ear.

“An AR-15 was used in the shooting of Donald Trump. This was the assault weapon that killed so many others, including children. It’s time to outlaw them,” Biden told the audience at a convention in Las Vegas.

As he made his first appearance on the campaign trail after the attack, he made this demand.

After the shooting, the Biden campaign had been put on hold for a few days. Television commercials had been dropped, verbal attacks had stopped, and some well-known Democrats had promoted togetherness.

In keeping with that theme, Biden bemoaned the “heated” nature of politics in his speech on Tuesday. However, he continued to harshly criticize Trump during his speech at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) convention, a well-known civil rights organization.

Biden has made gun rights a major campaign platform.
He had a key role in the 1994 passage of the assault weapons ban, which came to an end in 2004.

Speaking about that legislation, he said, “I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again” in his address.

The most major gun safety legislation in over 20 years was signed into law by President Biden in 2022 during his first term in office. It contained more protections and improved background checks for gun buyers.

However, Republicans have consistently opposed his attempts to outlaw assault rifles.

The president returned to the campaign trail on Tuesday as the Republican National Convention (RNC) wrapped up its second day. Speakers, including opponents Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, who had previously run for president, overwhelmingly supported Trump.

A senior campaign adviser for Donald Trump stated that if won in November, he would protect gun rights by nominating pro-gun judges during a side event organized by the gun rights organization US Concealed Carry Association.

Even after Saturday’s attempted assassination attempt on his life, Donald Trump has stated that, should he be elected in November, he would repeal all of the new gun laws.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the gunman, was able to shoot at Trump after scaling a structure to a height of 130 meters (426 feet), although authorities are still unsure of his motivation.

In addition to Republican leaders in Congress announcing a probe, an independent examination of the Secret Service’s handling of the incident is currently in progress.

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