Biden's strong pushback after Pelosi privately tells him he can't beat Trump

2 months ago 18

Pelosi also conveyed to Biden that his continued presidential re-election campaign could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November, according to a report, citing sources read more

Biden's strong pushback after Pelosi privately tells him he can't beat Trump

US president Joe Biden has come under increasing pressure to bow out of his re-election campaign.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden that several polls show that he cannot defeat Donald Trump and that he could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, making her the fourth democrat leader to share their growing distress over Biden’s chances of winning in the wake of his disastrous debate against Trump.

According to a CNN report, citing sources briefed on the Pelosi-Biden call, the president responded by pushing back, telling Pelosi he has seen polls that indicate he can win and got defensive about the polls.

During the call, Pelosi asked Mike Donilon, Biden’s longtime advisor, on the line to talk through the disappointing data, added the report.

The phone call comes just a week after she and former President Barack Obama privately shared their concerns over the aging president’s campaign.

Apart from Pelosi, other leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, too have voiced their concerns over Biden’s re-election bid.

However, neither Pelosi nor Schumer have publicly called on Biden to end his campaign, but 21 other Democratic members of Congress have.

“Schumer forcefully made the case that it would be better for Biden, better for the Democratic Party, and better for the country if he were to bow out," ABC News’ Jonathan Karl quoted Schumer as saying on Wednesday**.** 

Bleak polling numbers — including one showing the incumbent coming in last place among his own party members — were a major focus of Schumer’s case.

Reps. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) are prominent leaders within their party who have now openly advocated for Biden to “pass the torch.”

Despite Biden’s reported defensiveness, some reports suggested that private discussions with Pelosi and Schumer have influenced the president to become more open to the idea of stepping down.

It remains uncertain whether Biden would endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor should he suspend his campaign, but conversations between the White House and Capitol Hill indicate he is increasingly receptive to the notion of a replacement candidate.

““He’s gone from saying, ‘Kamala can’t win,’ to ‘Do you think Kamala can win?” a senior Democratic adviser told CNN.

Biden is reportedly excruciatingly conflicted by the decision.

According to New York Times, citing one person close to the president, it would be wrong to call him receptive to the idea of dropping out but that he “is willing to listen.” But the person emphasised there was no sign that Biden was changing course at this point.

With inputs from agencies

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