High on workouts: Can marijuana make exercise more fun?

4 months ago 14

In Western countries, individuals are turning to an unexpected solution to enhance their exercise routines: cannabis. A recent study indicates that cannabis is aiding gym enthusiasts in the United States in finding motivation for their workouts read more

 Can marijuana make exercise more fun?

A bit of weed before a workout can boost motivation and make exercise more enjoyable, a study has revealed. Image used for representational purposes/Pixabay

The intersection of cannabis consumption and physical exercise may seem unconventional, even counterintuitive. However, recent studies have delved into this intriguing relationship, aiming to decipher whether marijuana can indeed make exercise more enjoyable and potentially enhance performance.

With the legalisation of recreational cannabis in many parts of the United States, coupled with the rising popularity of activities such as yoga, hiking, and weightlifting, it’s pertinent to explore the effects of cannabis on exercise.

The University of Colorado Boulder study

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder embarked on a groundbreaking study to investigate the impact of cannabis consumption on exercise enjoyment and exertion levels. Published in Sports Medicine, the study involved participants consuming Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) before engaging in a 30-minute treadmill session in a controlled lab environment.

THC and CBD were administered through smoking or vaping methods. During the exercise, participants ran at a pace tailored to their fitness levels, with adjustments made to ensure they exercised near their ventilatory threshold, indicative of moderate to vigorous intensity.

The findings revealed a notable increase in overall exercise enjoyment among participants who consumed cannabis, with reports of experiencing sensations akin to a ‘runner’s high’. Interestingly, THC was associated with heightened feelings of exertion, while CBD led to increased enjoyment.

Despite feelings of happiness and positivity, participants also reported increased fatigue post-exercise. However, crucially, there were no significant differences in actual exertion and performance, as measured by treadmill speed and incline, between cannabis and non-cannabis exercise sessions.

Survey insights

Against the backdrop of evolving cannabis legislation, surveys have shed light on the prevalence of cannabis use in conjunction with physical activities. More than half of Americans now reside in states where recreational cannabis is legal, fostering the emergence of weed-positive workout groups and hiking clubs.

A survey conducted in 2023 highlighted common exercises paired with cannabis consumption, including hiking, yoga, and weightlifting. Additionally, a majority of respondents reported that cannabis aided in exercise recovery, with THC and CBD both implicated in mitigating pain, reducing inflammation, and improving sleep—essential components of the recovery process.

Balancing risks and benefits

While the notion of using cannabis to enhance exercise enjoyment is intriguing, caution is warranted. A study from the previous year revealed that cannabis use led to a slight decrease in running performance, albeit with heightened enjoyment.

Experts advise against indiscriminate cannabis consumption before exercise, highlighting the need for individualised approaches and dosage moderation. Given the complexity of the endocannabinoid system and its role in regulating various physiological functions, further research is essential to elucidate the long-term effects of cannabis on exercise performance and recovery.

The relationship between cannabis and exercise is multifaceted, with emerging evidence suggesting potential benefits in terms of enjoyment and recovery. While cannabis may offer a novel avenue for enhancing the exercise experience, caution must be exercised to mitigate potential risks.

With inputs from agencies

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