Mind over Matter: How Viagra could improve brain functions

3 months ago 24

Scientists of an Oxford study found that Viagra, which is used as a remedy for erectile dysfunction in men, could actually help improve blood flow to the brain, resulting in better cognitive function. Not only can it boost brain power, it can potentially avert vascular dementia in high-risk patients read more

 How Viagra could improve brain functions

An oxford study found that Viagra can improve blood flow to the brain and help blood vessels function better in individuals at high risk of vascular dementia. AFP

The little blue pills of sildenafil, known by its brand name Viagra, may have benefits beyond remedying erectile dysfunction in men, a new study has found.

Researchers from the Oxford University have presented surprising, first of its kind findings that suggest that Viagra improve blood flow to the brain that could improve cognitive function and help in preventing problems related to memory such as vascular dementia.

The findings which were published in the journal Circulation Research, represent a significant advancement in the battle against vascular dementia. It could potentially be turning point for the disease which so far has no specific cure, Dr. Praveen Gupta, principal director of neurology at Fortis Gurugram told The Times of India (TOI).

What is the condition that it could possibly prevent and how? Let’s delve into details

What is vascular dementia?

According to Johns Hopkins, vascular dementia significantly impacts cognitive functions such as memory, reasoning, planning, and judgment. This form of dementia arises from decreased blood flow to the brain, which damages the brain’s functional tissue, known as the parenchyma.

The Mayo Clinic notes that strokes, whether minor or major, can severely damage brain tissue, contributing to the development of vascular dementia. Other contributing factors include atherosclerosis, which hardens arteries and reduces blood flow, and brain hemorrhages caused by high blood pressure.

An Oxford study found that chronic damage to the small blood vessels in the brain is a leading cause of vascular dementia. This damage also accounts for 30 percent of strokes and 80 percent of brain bleeds.

Dr Rajeev Mehta, senior psychiatrist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital told TOI, “It is important to note that in vascular dementia, memory deficiency or forgetfulness occurs in steps.”

Risk factors for vascular dementia include old age, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, and obstructive sleep apnea.

The India context

According to a study titled ‘Vascular cognitive impairment in India’, the burden of vascular contribution to cognitive impairment and dementia is substantially high in the country.

Out of 5.3 million dementia patients in India, 40 per cent suffer from vascular dementia. Image for Representation. Pixabay

The study further discovered that out of 5.3 million dementia patients in India, 40 per cent suffer from vascular dementia. The Oxford study, which according to researchers needs a larger clinical trial, offers a glimmer of hope that could possibly help prevent the condition.

What did the Oxford study say?

The clinical trial of the study involved over 75 participants, who had experienced a minor stroke and showed signs of mild to moderate small vessel disease, received sildenafil (Viagra), a placebo, and cilostazol (a similar drug) over three-week periods in a random order.

Using ultrasound and MRI scans, the scientists found that sildenafil increased blood flow in both large and small brain vessels. It enhanced the blood flow response to carbon dioxide, indicating improved cerebrovascular function.

The study also found that both sildenafil and Cilostazol lowered blood vessel resistance in the brain with sildenafil causing fewer side effects than Cilostazol, particularly with less incidence of diarrhoea.

“This is the first trial to show that sildenafil gets into the blood vessels in the brain in people with this condition, improving blood flow and how responsive these blood vessels are,” Dr Alastair Webb, study author and associate professor at the Wolfson Centre for Prevention of Stroke and Dementia at Oxford said.

“These two key factors are associated with chronic damage to the small blood vessels in the brain, which is the commonest cause of vascular dementia. This demonstrates the potential of this well-tolerated, widely available drug to prevent dementia, which needs testing in larger trials,” he added.

With input from agencies

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