Night Mode: How sleeping next to a loved one improves your health

5 months ago 12

Sharing a bed with someone can be an intimate experience and it has a host of benefits. It accelerates falling asleep, lowers blood pressure, and inflammation, and boosts immunity, mental well-being

 How sleeping next to a loved one improves your health

Sleeping with a loved one can help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. Pexels

Sound sleep is crucial for a healthy and productive life.

Many people prefer sleeping alone with a comfortable pillow for a restful sleep.

However, studies have shown that sleeping next to your loved one does wonders not only for your sleep health but also overall well-being.

Let’s take a closer look.

Better sleep quality

Sharing a bed with someone can be an intimate experience and it has a host of benefits.

A study referenced in a Hindustan Times report claims that sleeping next to someone you love accelerates falling asleep. This is because people tend to overthink when they sleep alone since their minds wander. However, this brain activity makes it harder to fall asleep.

The report quoted Tim Grey, psychology specialist and entrepreneur, as saying, “Sleeping next to someone you love gives you feelings of security so you begin to relax and drift off. It stimulates the release of a cocktail of chemicals that can help you get a great night’s sleep.”

Sleeping with a loved one can help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity, according to

Based on a 2017 pilot study that was published in the Hindawi journal, sleeping next to a partner is also associated with longer sleep durations and better sleep quality.

Another 2020 study found that it is also associated with 10 per cent more rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is where most dreams occur. The REM stage of sleeping is critical for cognitive functions such as learning and remembering.

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Improved mental health

As per a 2022 study published in Sleep Journal, sleeping with your partner is not only improves sleep quality but overall wellbeing.

It lowers depression, anxiety, stress, sleep apnea, and insomnia and offers greater social support and higher satisfaction with life and relationships.

As per a 2010 study published in the National Library of Medicine, it also helps in releasing oxytocin (the love hormone), serotonin or the happy chemical, norepinephrine (helps to regulate sleep and balances stress), vasopressin (increases sleep quality and decreases cortisol), and prolactin (associated with improving the immune system and great sleep).

According to Very Well Mind website, which quoted Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University, as saying, “Since sleeping next to a partner promotes better sleep, it reduces mental health problems, and in turn, improves the disorder.”

Temperature regulation

Our body temperature has a major impact on the quality of our sleep.

According to News18, sleeping next to a partner facilitates the exchange of body heat, which improves the ability to control body temperature.

This is also quite beneficial on winter evenings, when the partner’s warmth keeps one warm and comfortable.

Also read: What’s ‘cricket feet’, a hack that could help you sleep better at night?

Mutual sleep synchronisation

Partners frequently form similar sleep routines and schedules over time.

When it comes to sleep quality, this synchronisation can be helpful because it lessens the disturbances brought on by irregular sleep schedules.

It is simpler to go to sleep and wake up together when partners follow similar sleep cycles, which enhances sleep continuity and overall contentment.

Your internal clocks, or circadian rhythms, are in sync when you follow the same sleep schedule, and this can also improve the harmony in your relationship.

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Sleep schedule matters

Getting six hours of sleep on a regular basis was linked to a reduced risk of dying young than getting eight hours of sleep on highly irregular schedules.

Recent studies have demonstrated the significance of sleep for longevity and overall health, as well as the fact that the length of sleep is not the only factor that counts.

A 2023 study that was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that irregular sleep patterns may be associated with an increased risk of incident cardiovascular disease.

Inconsistent sleep has also been linked to numerous health problems, according to a different study that was published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

Ideal sleep hours

There are no ideal sleep hours since each person is unique, and so are everyone’s sleep requirement.

Instead of worrying so much about the strict eight-hour rule, experts suggest people listen to their bodies.

Finding what works and what not allows people to concentrate on getting better and more quality sleep, keeping their brains healthy.

With inputs from agencies

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