Prince Harry & Meghan Markle drop major 'hint' of relationship change

1 month ago 20

According to reports, a new teaser clip that was released ahead of a brand new TV interview of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle , a body language expert believes there are several telling gestures in the footage. Meghan is definitely taking a lead using her celerity charm, but Harry looks disengaged in the conversation. read more

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle drop major 'hint' of relationship change

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle drop major 'hint' of relationship change

According to a report published in The Express, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be maturing in their relationship and growing more into their own individuals rather than coming as a package deal, according to a body language expert.

Body language expert, Judi James told The Mirror that Harry and Meghan “sit further apart than normal" to highlight that they are individuals. Meghan’s signals during this clip suggest she’s taking the lead here, using a blend of celebrity charm and concern to create a relationship with their interviewer, making careful segues between their home life and their campaign. She has her arm out as though possibly breaching the gap between herself and Harry by placing her hand on his thigh although the picture cuts before we can see where the hand actually lands.”

Judi James that Meghan’s engagement with the interviewer was ‘powerful’ where as there was a disengagement and a distant look on Harry’s face.

(With added inputs from agencies)

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