What Pavel Durov's arrest means for Telegram, messaging apps and social media platforms in general

3 weeks ago 6

French authorities have reportedly been scrutinising Durov and Telegram due to the platform’s perceived lack of moderation and insufficient cooperation with police investigations read more

What Pavel Durov's arrest means for Telegram, messaging apps and social media platforms in general

Telegram’s small staff, consisting of around 60 employees, is likely to keep the platform running, but questions remain about who will handle critical tasks, such as making payments to infrastructure providers if Durov remains in custody. Image credit: Reuters, Reuters

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, was unexpectedly arrested on Saturday evening in France as he disembarked from his private jet at Le Bourget airport, just outside Paris.

Arriving from Azerbaijan, Durov was reportedly accompanied by a bodyguard and a woman when he was detained by French authorities. Following his arrest, it is believed that Durov spent the night in a French jail cell, a situation that has sparked significant concern and speculation.

Durov’s arrest
The arrest was carried out under a warrant issued by OFMIN, a relatively new law enforcement agency in France that began operations in November. This agency is specifically tasked with preventing violence against minors.

According to initial reports from TF1Info, the French media outlet that first broke the news, Durov’s arrest is connected to an ongoing preliminary investigation into a series of serious allegations, including drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and the promotion of terrorism. These activities are believed to have been facilitated on Telegram, a platform Durov has asserted has 950 million users as of July.

Investigators, who have spoken to the French media on the condition of anonymity, expressed confusion over why Durov chose to land in France despite being on the country’s wanted persons list. It was reported that Durov’s presence was flagged when his name appeared on the passenger list for the incoming private jet.

French authorities have reportedly been scrutinising Durov and Telegram due to the platform’s perceived lack of moderation and insufficient cooperation with police investigations.

The investigation is being led by specialised units within the French police, including a cybersecurity gendarmerie and the national anti-fraud police unit. The case is under the supervision of an investigative judge who specializes in organized crime.

Telegram’s response
In response to the arrest, the Telegram News channel issued a statement on Sunday evening, characterizing the allegations as “absurd.”

The statement emphasized that neither Durov nor the platform could be held responsible for the misuse of Telegram by its users. The post further noted that Durov has “nothing to hide” and is a frequent traveler within Europe. Telegram expressed hope for a swift resolution to the situation.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the escalation of the conflict in Gaza, Telegram has played a dual role in global geopolitics. It has served as a crucial source of information for those on the ground, while also being a conduit for disinformation and graphic content. Durov has consistently maintained that Telegram is a neutral platform with no political affiliations, despite the controversies surrounding it.

How Telegram mirrors social media
Civil society’s relationship with Telegram has been complex. On one hand, organizations like Access Now have defended Telegram against attempts by authoritarian regimes to block or coerce the platform into providing encryption keys.

On the other hand, there has been growing concern over Telegram’s lack of clear human rights policies, reliable communication channels, and remedies for its users. Legal experts have suggested that French authorities might attempt to pressure Durov into providing encryption keys to decrypt private messages on Telegram, a demand that Russia has previously made.

Kennedy, who recently endorsed Donald Trump for the U.S. presidency, described Telegram as an “uncensored” and “encrypted” platform, though it should be noted that Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default. The platform’s one-to-many broadcast feature, known as Channels, allows unlimited subscribers to view posts, contributing to its characterization as a social network rather than just a messaging app.

Durov’s arrest has also drawn attention from right-wing media figures like Tucker Carlson, who pointed out the irony of Durov being arrested by a Western country rather than by Russia, from which he allegedly fled years ago. Carlson’s comments have gained significant traction online, with millions of views on social media.

What happens to Telegram now?
Within Telegram, there is growing concern about the company’s future in Durov’s absence. Former colleagues of Durov, such as Georgy Lobushkin and Anton Rozenberg, have expressed shock at the arrest and worry about the potential impact on Telegram’s operations.

Durov has been deeply involved in all aspects of Telegram’s management, from financing and development strategies to content moderation and payment processing. Without his leadership, some fear that Telegram could face significant challenges, particularly in managing crucial decisions and maintaining its infrastructure.

For now, it is expected that Telegram will continue to operate as usual. However, the duration of Durov’s detention could determine the extent of the impact on the company’s operations. Telegram’s small staff, consisting of around 60 employees, is likely to keep the platform running, but questions remain about who will handle critical tasks, such as making payments to infrastructure providers if Durov remains in custody. As the situation unfolds, the tech world will be closely watching to see how Telegram navigates this unexpected crisis.

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